
I met Jane Anderson about eight years ago when I was in Dubai and was coaching and creating performance-enhancing programmes for the likes of M&S and Ikea. She was zipping across the world meeting up with people to pick their brains, grow her network and start to build her vision for her future.

Since then Jane has done phenomenally well.  She’s helped thousands of people, received numerous awards; she’s written six books and done so much more, but don’t take my word for it though, take a look at her website.

For me Jane typifies how having a clear vision backed up by sheer willpower and focus can be the winning formula.

I reached out to her recently and asked her what she would focus on if she was setting out and in the early stages of her entrepreneurial journey.  She sent me a blog that I think is so powerful and something to really consider if you’re serious about setting up your business and taking it to another level as quickly as you can.  Here’s a synopsis with my lense on it.

Find your 15!

I believe that one of the toughest things for entrepreneurs is to keep the faith and keep going. Most entrepreneurs set up their businesses as they feel there is a certain something that consistently pulls them in a certain direction and tugs at their heart strings. However, the entrepreneur journey is never straight forward and is like being at the fairground on a roller coaster ride it’s exhilarating and terrifying at the same time and a lot of the time the terrifying can be all-consuming! It’s very easy to give up when the going gets tough, particularly at the start of the journey, and the stats show that many entrepreneurs do.

Research shows that 50% of executives feel uncertain about their confidence in their abilities to address obstacles for business growth and cites that one of the biggest contributors is not having the right people around them.

It’s so important to be able to be your authentic self and unlock your full potential.  When you have the right people around you, willing you on, encouraging you every step of the way and blowing your trumpet, it helps to infuse your confidence and keep you focused and driven.

In Jane’s blog, she references Social anthropologist Robin Dunbar who has identified the metrics of leaders and tribes that have survived through time. From Indigenous tribes in Australia to tribes in the Amazon, he identified a metric to ensure that a tribe survives – and not only survives but thrives through the test of time.

Having created the first draft, I started to ponder and reflect about both blogs and although both primarily focused on the world of the entrepreneur, I believe using this same approach in the corporate world or in agency land, will also be effective. It doesn’t matter what world you’re inhabiting at present, pick the right 15 people for you to help champion and encourage you as you step through your working day and navigate complexities and challenges. It’s a simple tactic, but could bring real value to you.

That number is 15.

Who are the 15 people around you who are committed to your success? They’re the ones who have your best interest at heart and can help you make decisions when you might not be able to. They’re the ones you can depend on when you’re unsure or struggling and will help build your confidence and resolve along the way.

In 2019, who are your special 15 people going to be? When you are choosing them, think how they could support you and make you feel in the good times and the tough times?  And how are you going to connect and work with them so you stay on track and capitalise on every opportunity?

Do read Jane’s full blog Who’s in your Corner for 2019? It Takes a Tribe to Build Confidence as it’s fantastic and worth it.

I hope both blogs give you food for thought….
