connecting and capitalising


Connecting and capitalising...

It’s been an interesting few months, as I’ve basically thrown caution to the wind and thrown my life up in the air!  Not only have I given up my job but I’ve made the big move out of the London area to Essex and started Capitalise to follow a passion and dream.

Two months ago I took myself through phase one of my Capitalise Brand Builder programme to help shape my authentic brand story.  It was such a phenomenal experience as it made me dig deep and answer some powerful questions, in order to begin to craft and hone my heartfelt story that would become my guiding beacon in everything I do.  I've taken some reflection time and I feel I've managed to capture it which is now allowing me to be consistent in what I say and write's official, I'm at the start of building my recognisable and memorable story....exciting!

As this had been so powerful and not knowing many people locally, I was keen to meet like-minded entrepreneurs, hear what they are up to and give them a flavour of what I’ve done in the corporate world, but with an entrepreneurial twist to help them with their businesses.

There were eight of us in total, all from different backgrounds and businesses, but all taking that big step and being brave and courageous.  What a great evening, full of positive energy, productive results and collaborative inspiration.

It’s so motivating to work with talented people from such varied backgrounds.  The recurring theme was how important it is to collaborate and connect to people who are facing the same challenges. 

Feedback has been great and the ladies are already using the tools and work they developed… “huge value and something I will now refer to forever to keep me on track”.

 If you’re struggling with your story or starting off on your entrepreneurial journey and would like to take part in the Capitalise Brand Builder, do get in touch.

Next steps for me is setting my strategic objectives and priorities which align to my brand story...connecting, aligning, capitalising....